Saturday, January 17, 2009


i've fallen sick
actually its a good thing
and its a bad thing too..
the good thing = ppl care for me more than usual
the bad thing = i feel suck

where the sickness come from?
stress? pressure? the hot weather?
or missing him too much sometimes?
*sigh* i don know...

i unawarely added him as a part of my life
cant get rid of this part so easily anymore
too bad for me...
im was too careless about this

when it comes,
it feels so good and
as if im owning the whole world
when it fades away
im extremely helpless
realise that im addicted to your presence in my world
and yet cant do anything to get rid of the addiction

just hope to talk to him everyday
(if i could)
and see his face every moment i open my eyes
have a sweet memory of me and his
thats what i feel

*sigh* cant continue to be like that anymore
cuz i know i have something more important to do
SPM, right. haiz...
this topic is sickening me
its so important that everyone is so afraid of it
im one of them too.
have to work hard for it
you and i know it
there's no way to escape from it


1 comment:

  1. Ahh.. thats why u absent. It was so deadly cold today without your laughters circulating in the air.
    get well soon ya :)
